World TB Day Blog

Archive for February, 2012

National Level Events:

The National Media Launch of World TB Day 2012 – 27th February

On the 27th of February the National TB Program will formally launch this year’s World TB Day activities at a media event. Representatives from media agencies throughout the country will be invited to attend the launch at Aopi Haus (Department of Health – first floor conference room) from 11:00 – 12:30. Information about TB will be provided as well as an overview of the national and provincial plans. Media packs will be given to all invited guests and opportunities for interviews and TB news stories will be provided over light refreshments.

The ‘Lend your voice to stopping TB’ Campaign – Throughout March

In the public:

We will be running a nationwide campaign enabling individuals to make a pledge of commitment to stopping TB in PNG. The “I want…’ campaign forms will be circulated through all provinces and completed forms will be on public display at designated sites during the month of March. All forms completed during the month of March will be presented to Government at the National TB Forum.


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Since 2008, thousands of TB professionals from around the globe have joined in an unprecedented effort to share practices and “know-how” across organizations in online, expert-led, communities hosted on the Global Health Delivery Online (GHDonline) platform. These communities, MDR-TB Treatment & Prevention and TB Infection Control, are made available at no cost thanks in part to the founding organizations, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

This year, our call to action at GHDonline is for all TB professionals to join one or both virtual expert panels taking place now and in March, and to also participate in the communities.


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On the occasion of World TB Day, the Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology (CNRS-University of Toulouse) joined the Museum of Toulouse to plan a discussion meeting conducted by scientists from the CNRS, WHO, TBVI and UNITAID organizations.

This meeting will be held at Muséum de Toulouse, Auditorium Picot de Lapeyrouse, 35 allées Jules Guesde, Toulouse, Saturday, March, 24, 2012 from 15h to 17h.


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