World TB Day Blog

Archive for March, 2013

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In Bulgaria the World TB Day 2013 has been commemorated under the slogan “Our mission is to stop tuberculosis – for us and our children”.
In the period 22- 29th March, sixteen TB health facilities have launched “Days of Open Doors” campaigns for free tuberculosis screening and raising awareness. The event is supported by the Program “To Strengthen the National Tuberculosis Control in Bulgaria”, financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria under the Ministry of Health in Bulgaria.
In line with the World TB day 2013, on March 22nd the Ministry of Heath issued a press-release with the help of national TB consultants, aiming at bringing out the current trends and progress in fighting TB in Bulgaria.
For fourth consecutive year Bulgaria has achieved a tendency to decrease TB incidence –from 40 per 100 000 population in 2005 to 26.8 per 100 000 population in 2012, according to preliminary data.
Since 2011, the treatment success rate of new patients with smear and/or culture positive pulmonary TB has exceeded 85%.
It is important to notice that diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tuberculosis are free for inhabitants of Bulgaria regardless of their health insurance status.
Our mission is to stop TB- Bulgaria

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Naresh, and family, outside his shop.

Naresh, and family, outside his shop.

22 Mar 2013

Naresh Bahadur Khatri (34) is from Beldandi, Kanchanpur district though he now lives in Bardiya district, with his wife and two children.

He was constantly unemployed and decided to go to India, alone, where he found work as a guard for a private company in Goa. After a few years he fell ill and was diagnosed with TB. He immediately started TB Treatment at a medical college in Goa.

Unfortunately, the first regime of treatment didn’t work and his condition didn’t improve. He was given a higher level of treatment but again his condition became worse.

Finally, sputum samples were sent for a drug sensitivity test, which showed he was suffering from Multi Drug Resistant TB (MDR TB). To combat this more virulent type of TB he started MDR TB treatment at a private medical hall in Goa.

However, by this time Naresh’s money was running out and he couldn’t always buy the required medicine. Maintaining treatment is crucial and due to the intermittent treatment his condition did not improve. He returned to Nepal to be with his family. By this time he had no money and was in a serious condition. His family were living with his father-in-law in Bardiya, where Naresh had no home or land.

With his condition worsening his family took him to the District Hospital where he was referred to INF‘s Nepalgunj TB Referral Centre (NTBRC). He was immediately admitted into INF‘s MDR TB Hostel and started treatment that lasted nine months. During that period, when he was supported by INF and therefore able to maintain his treatment, he slowly showed signs of recovery, getting better and stronger as time went by. By the time the treatment was completed he was cured and now remains in good health.

But Naresh’s story does not stop there.

Although he was now well, again he was once again unemployed and had no money. Through INF‘s NTBRC, Naresh and his family were offered further assistance. Direct financial assistance was provided as was income generation support and his children were given educational support.

Thankful and determined, as he’d always been, to earn a living Naresh started a small shop by the roadside. His small business prospered and now Naresh has bought some land and has been able to build his own home and little shop. Naresh is extremely thankful for his good health and is very happy to be back living with his family and working.

Reflecting over this trying period, Naresh offers this advice to other MDR TB patients, “take you medicine regularly, without fail, be cured and start a new life.”

In combination of this year’s World TB Day (24 March) please:

GIVE: consider donating so that INF can continue the fight against TB.

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Following the success of the last three years of the World TB Day at the University of British Columbia, we were pleased to host the fourth edition of this event which happened on March 18th, 2013.
UBC World TB Day brings together diverse groups, including students as well as a growing community of Vancouver clinicians, social workers and basic scientists committed to raising TB awareness. The event generates a forum to promote discussions and has helped create a climate for collaboration among institutions such as the University of British Columbia, the BC Center for Disease Control, BC Lung Association, and TB Vets Charitable Foundation.
Every year, well recognized experts in the TB field contribute as keynote speakers to stimulate interest and discussion. Speakers have included Dr. Peter Donald (2010), from Stellenbosch University Capetown, South Africa; Pam Chedore (2011), Head, Mycobacteriology. Central Public Health Lab, Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion; and Dr. Ted Cohen (2012) from Harvard School of Public Health. This year the keynote speaker was Prof. Robert J. Wilkinson from University of Cape Town, South Africa.  In addition to keynote speakers we present short seminars on topics that expand from basic and translational science to clinical aspects of the management of the disease at the BC Center for Disease Control (BC CDC).

Please, find program of the 2013 event below.


Centre for Tuberculosis Research (CTBR), UBC
BC Center for Disease Control (BC CDC)
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, UBC
Life Science Institute, UBC
Faculty of Science , UBC
TB Vets Charitable Foundation

When & where: March 18th, 2013 at the Life Sciences Institute, University of British Columbia.

How: short seminars and keynote speaker.


UBC World TB Day. March 18, 2013.

Time Activity Description
10 am – 12:30 pm Symposium

LSC 1510

Session chair: Santiago Ramón-García, PhD.

  • Victoria Cook, MD, FRCPC. (BC Centre for Disease Control and UBC).

“Provincial strategy for TB elimination”

  • Prof. Yossi Av-Gay, Ph.D. (Immunity & Infection Research Center, UBC)

“The intracellular life style of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as target for screening new drugs against TB”

  • Israel Casabon, Ph.D. (Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, UBC and CTBR)

“Breaking the rings: Understanding how Mycobacterium tuberculosis degrades cholesterol”

11:15 – 11:30 am LSC 1510 Coffee break
  • Santiago Ramón-García, Ph.D. (Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, UBC and CTBR)

“The TB drug development path: one goal, several routes”

  • Patrick Tang, MD, PhD, FRCP(C) (BC Centre for Disease Control and UBC)

“Behind the Scenes at the BC Provincial TB Laboratory”

12:30 – 1:15 pm Lunch

LSC 1330

Free catered lunch for registrants.
1:15 – 2:15 pm Keynote speaker


Session Chair: Lindsay Eltis, Ph. D. (Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, UBC, CTBR Director)

  • Prof. Robert J. Wilkinson (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

“Why are tuberculosis rates so high in Cape Town, South Africa?’

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México conmemoró el Día Mundial de Lucha Contra la Tuberculosis, con una ceremonia que reunió a los aliados que participan en la prevención y control de esta enfermedad milenaria.

La Dra. Birmingham, representante de la OPS/OMS en México, inició su mensaje recordando que el 24 de marzo de 1882 Roberto Koch anunció al mundo el descubrimiento del agente causal de la tuberculosis el Mycobacterium tuberculosis, y mientras eso sucedía, la tuberculosis causaba estragos en las Américas, matando a 1 de cada 7 personas. Entre 1990 y 2011 hubo una reducción en las Américas de 61% en la mortalidad por tuberculosis, debiendo este progreso a la implementación de la Estrategia TAES seguida de la estrategia Alto a la Tuberculosis.

Pese a los avances logrados en la región el control de la tuberculosis, después del Sida, la tuberculosis en América Latina y el Caribe, sigue siendo la 2ª causa de muerte por un agente infeccioso, situación a la que se suman desafíos como la tuberculosis multifármacorresistente, la forma  extremadamente resistente y el aumento de personas con asociación a VIH y DM.

Posteriormente la Dra. Mercedes Juan López, Secretaria de Salud de México, en su mensaje destacó que la tuberculosis, lamentablemente sigue cobrando muchas muertes innecesarias con el consecuente sufrimiento de los enfermos y sus familias. Subrayó que el Día Mundial de lucha contra la Tuberculosis, representa una oportunidad para generar un mayor nivel de conciencia  sobre los objetivos de  reducir la carga mundial de TB, atender la coinfección con el VIH (TB/VIH), así como la comorbilidad registrada con diabetes. Además recordó que México cuenta con una estrategia para el abordaje de la TB con resistencia a fármacos reconocida en las Américas como ejemplo para algunos países hermanos de la región.

También menciono que Tratamiento Acortado Estrictamente Supervisado (TAES), sigue siendo el núcleo de la estrategia “Alto a la TB México”. No obstante, se requiere aún de intensos esfuerzos para hacer que la atención de calidad sea accesible a todos, sin importar el género, la edad o entorno social.

Para cerrar su intervención, y bajo el lema “Detener la tuberculosis…un compromiso de todos” exhortó una vez más al personal de salud, académicos, así como a la población y a la sociedad civil organizada, para que en conjunto podamos lograr en el menor tiempo posible un “México libre de Tuberculosis”.

Integrantes del presídium de izquierda a derecha Dr. Rogelio Pérez Padilla, Director General del INER, Dr. Pablo Kuri Morales, Subsecretario de Prevención y Promoción de la Salud, Lic. Alejandro Grossman Epper, Director Ejecutivo del CNLT, Dra. Mercedes Juan López, Secretaria de Salud, Dra. Maureen Birmingham, Representante de la OPS/OMS en México y la Lic. Patricia Cravioto Galindo, Directora Comercial Corporativa de Correos de México.

     Aliados estratégicos presentes:

El Comité Nacional de Lucha Contra la Tuberculosis (CNLT) constituido desde 1939, se ha esforzado por captar recursos a través de la distribución y venta de las estampillas postales, gestionadas gracias a la valiosa colaboración con el  Servicio Postal Mexicano que las pone a disposición de generosos contribuyentes a la causa y de esa forma genera recursos para apoyo del Programa.

Durante el evento se llevó a cabo la  cancelación del timbre postal conmemorativo que este año es alusivo al “Museo Soumaya”.

Cancelación del timbre postal mexicano Dra. Mercedes Juan López, Secretaria de Salud y Lic. Alejandro Grossman Epper, Director Ejecutivo del Comité Nacional de Lucha contra la Tuberculosis.

Otro aliado es el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (INER) fundado en 1936 con el nombre de Sanatorio para Enfermos Tuberculosos de Huipulco. Actualmente es el centro de referencia nacional para tratar a pacientes con tuberculosis en quienes la gravedad de su enfermedad no les permite recibir su tratamiento en forma ambulatoria y requieren ser hospitalizados.

Dr. Miguel Ángel Salazar Lezama, Jefe de la Unidad de Tuberculosis en el INER

Arte y salud conjugados en el evento conmemorativo.

Alan Vázquez, artista ecológico, quien participa por primera vez  con el Programa Nacional de Tuberculosis en el evento conmemorativo del “Día Mundial de Lucha contra la Tuberculosis”, invitó a la Dra. Mercedes Juan López, Secretaria de Salud, a dar las primeras pinceladas incorporando  la “Cruz de Lorena” al mural que el artista realizó durante el acto conmemorativo, donde quedó plasmado el logo del Programa Nacional de Tuberculosis,  con la impresión de las palmas de las manos de varios aliados como símbolo de su compromiso en la lucha contra la tuberculosis en nuestro país.

                   Dra. Mercedes Juan López, secretaria de salud y Alan Vázquez, artista plástico

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FESAR y las Asociaciones de Personas afectadas por TB de las provincias de El Oro, Los Rios y Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas realizaron ferias, con el fin de dar información a la comunidad en general sobre la TB, estigma y discriminación.
Se realizaron juegos interactivos con la gente dando a conocer sobre la TB, derechos y responsabilidades.

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Malankara Social Service Society organized a rally and public meeting in connection with WORLD TB DAY 2013 at Swedeshabhimani Town Hall,Neyyattinkara on 23/03/2013.
The rally started from the District Hospital Neyyattinkara with slogans and placards describing the world TB day message “Stop TB in my life time” and the DOTs.
The public meeting started at 4.00PM. Sri R.Selvaraj,Member of Legislative Assembly,Government of Kerala inaugurated the function. Adv L.S.Sheela, Vice Chairperson,Neyyattinkara Municipality, Smt G.Sukumari,Chairperson,Public Works Standing Committee, Neyyattinkara Muncipality,Sri.M R Simon, Block Panchayath Member,Parassala,Fr Bovas Mathew Meloot ,Director,MSSS,Sri Rajan M Karakkattil, Programme Coordinator,MSSS,Sri Roby D, STS,Neyyattinkara,Sri Sijil Joseph,District Coordinator Project Axshya etc participated in the meeting.

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Under patronage of his Excellency Prof. Mohahed Mostafa Hamed, Minister of Health & Population, National Tuberculosis Program of  Egypt (NTP Egypt) has been celebrated TB day 2013 in collaboration with WHO/EMRO represented by Dr. Mohamed Aziz (Head of Stop TB) and the partnership in EMR region represented by Prof. Mohamed Awad Tag ElDin in National Training Institute (NTI) of ministery of health and population
NTP Staff have appreciated from the Minister for their effort in TB Control
Egypt has been achieved The MDGs by year 2012 as prevalence of TB was declined from  79 ca

ses/100 000 population in 1990 to 29 cases/100 000 population in 2011, the incidence was declined from 34 cases/100 000 population in 1990 to 17 cases /100 000 population in 2011 and death rate was declined from 4 to 0.59 case /100 000 population

Under patronage of his Excellency Prof. Mohahed Mostafa Hamed, Minister of Health & Population, National Tuberculosis Program of  Egypt (NTP Egypt) has been celebrated TB day 2013 in collaboration with WHO/EMRO represented by Dr. Mohamed Aziz (Head of Stop TB) and the partnership in EMR region represented by Prof. Mohamed Awad Tag ElDin in National Training Institute (NTI) of ministery of health and population NTP Staff have appreciated from the Minister for their effort in TB ControlEgypt has been achieved The MDGs by year 2012 as prevalence of TB was declined from  79 cases/100 000 population in 1990 to 29 cases/100 000 population in 2011, the incidence was declined from 34 cases/100 000 population in 1990 to 17 cases /100 000 population in 2011 and death rate was declined from 4 to 0.59 case /100 000 population

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‘Nukkad Naatak performed to EDUCATE PEOPLE on the occasion of
World TB Day 24th March 2013′.

“Employers, School Teachers have to motivate TB patients to visit dots center regularly & allow him/her 1/2 hours leave”

AASHA TB Projects and NIMA Ludhiana organised people educative awareness lectures and Nukkad Naatak shows, at Dr Surinder Gupta Clinic Shivpuri Ludhiana to mark “World TB Day.
Apart from Dr Surinder Gupta, Dr Inder Sharma, Dr Rajesh Thapar, Dr Rahul Jain, Dr Diwaker Sharma, Dr Satinder Kakar,Dr Sarjivan Sharma, Dr Neeraj Sood interacted with the participating public. They educated the masses regarding TUBERCULOSIS, Incidence, Symptamatology, Diagnostic tests and free treatment facilities.
ATP members and Social workers Sh Shiv Kumar Sharma, Satinder Sharma, S.k.Sharma, Sh Sudarshan Gupta, Sh NARINDER Sharma were present on this occasion.

NIMA Ludhiana and ATP is actively involved in Public Awareness and free treatment facilities for tuberculosis.
Apart from free Dots centers at NIMA doctors clinics, educative lectures and Pamphlet distribution are a routine activity.
Banners with Motivating Slogans are displayed at clinics of our doctors.
As per our experience of last 15 years Tobacco (smoking or otherwise) and other Intoxicant substances play a major role in incidence, late detection, Delayed/inaccurate treatment, or midway stoppage of treatment (treatment default) of tuberculosis in our region. Only dedicated health facilities can ensure treatment compliance, as people are illiterate, poor and belong to lower economic status.
Family members and even neighbours help a bedridden Patient to start anti-TB Treatment. But once person starts attending his natural job, they lose interest and after sometime, patient himself stops coming for procuring/taking medicine.

I feel proud that nearly zero defaults have been seen at my center, due to the personal touch and patient education.
We feel that being a curable disease, every segment of society has a role in making the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program RNTCP a meaningful exercise.
Employers, School Teachers have to motivate TB patients to visit dots center regularly & allow him/her 1/2 hours leave.

“Incomplete treatment of Tuberculosis is the MOTHER of MDR-TB”

Dr Surinder Gupta
President :- AASHA TB Projects (ATP).

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Gramin Samaj Kalyan Vikas Manch ( GSKVM – India ) one of the partners of TB Reach has observed the World T.B Day on 24th March2013 jointly with the RNTCP-Govt. of India. A Seminar on ‘Prevention of TB’ and ‘A Street Rally’ was organized on this occasion. It’s a local initiative to promote a ‘zero TB zone’ as a part of our commitment towards TB free world.
The photographs shows that the workers and volunteers of GSKVM, Govt. Healthcare Workers, and RNTCP officials along with local people are participating in that ‘Street Rally’ with festoons and placards to raise awareness in the community in Daltonganj town in the Jharkhand state in India to combat tuberculosis .

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