Tue 27 Mar 2012
Awareness Programme on TB by The Corbett Foundation
Posted by Anushree Bhattacharjee under General | March 27, 2012 |
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The Corbett Foundation (TCF) is a registered public charitable trust set up by Mr. Dilip D. Khatau on April 22, 1994. TCF began with an initial mandate of supporting the conservation of the area in Kumaon and Garhwal famous as the “Corbett Country”. Since then, it runs various medical, awareness and wildlife conservation programs in and around the Corbett Tiger Reserve. In 1999, TCF established a division called Kutch Ecological Research Centre (KERC) in Kutch, Gujarat. TCF operates in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve since 2009 and in Kanha Tiger reserve since 2010 and is soon expanding its operation at Kaziranga Tiger Reserve in the year 2012.
On the occasion of “World Tuberculosis Day” (24th March), the Corbett division of TCF organized an awareness session on TB for the residents of Kunkhet, a village situated on the banks of the River Kosi, in the Corbett landscape. This serene village is witness to the pathos and agony suffered by TB patients. The Medical Division at TCF is presently treating around four patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis from Kunkhet village. This is part of an ongoing TB Eradication Programme being run by TCF Corbett in the entire landscape, since 1999. Two patients who were under the treatment of TCF Corbett Medical Division have now been given a clean bill of health. Realizing that the biggest ally of the tubercle bacillus is ignorance and fear, TCF-Corbett aimed to dispel these through the awareness session, in which causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of TB was explained in a simple lay-man’s language. The social stigma attached to TB patients was also dispelled. TCF pledged to support the treatment of all patients who could not afford the same. This programme was attended by approximately 60 villagers and children of Kunkhet and another nearby village Chukam.
For more details see
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