World TB Day Blog


WORLD TB DAY 2012 activities in Indonesia

The Theme of 2012 TB Day commemoration is “Let’s Unite to Stop TB” which was translated into Indonesia language, as “Unite towards a TB-Free Indonesia.” On the occasion, Tjandra Yoga Aditama the Directorate General of CDC, Ministry of Health stated that with The Slogan “Stop TB in my lifetime”, we should expect to see a Indonesia where no one dies from TB. .

The 2012 TB Commemoration Day started with a Media Workshop on 27 February 2012. In collaboration with the Center of Public Communication and TBCARE 1 15 national journalists were invited to the workshop. Dyah Erti Mustikawati, the NTP manager and Arifin Nawas provided information about TB and TB MDR in Indonesia. It was emphasized that the Media should support the national program in overcoming the challenges faced in implementation and universal access to quality services.. The Media could deliver the right information for the public and stakeholders and publish some success stories apart from highlighting the field situation of services. The journalist also had a field visit to Persahabatan Hospital to get the real picture of TB and TB MDR services. As part of the series of activities, a Journalist Competition was also held.

A national media campaign also complemented the TB Day activities. Talk shows with Prof. dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama the Director General, dr. HM. Subuh, the Director of DTDC and some partners and specialist: Prof.dr. Sudijanto Kamso, dr. Arifin Nawas and dr. Erlina Burhan as speakers. TV and Radio Spots were also run from January-April 2012 to improve awareness regarding TB and various services available. Spot in the cinemas and print advertorial were some of the other media used for information dissemination.

A National TB Symposium was held on 31 March 2012 in Jakarta.  The TB Day 2012 symposium was based on the essence of togetherness in TB control and to promote partnership between government bodies, donors and partners. The main partners for the activity were Medical School, University of Indonesia for the National Symposium and Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma Dompet Dhuafa for the Fun Bike and Walkathon.

In the symposium, Mr. Ari Ginanjar Agustian, the Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) expert, as the keynote speaker stimulated the audience mind by his speech “Treat TB with Your Heart”. He stated that TB disaster is worse than tsunami since TB deaths per year higher than tsunami victims that happened 7 years ago. So it is important for all of us should support TB program according to capacity and capability of each person, stated Ari Ginanjar.

Prof. dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, formally opened the symposium followed by a presentation on “TB Control Program related to the MDG’s”. Opening session was followed by several Satellite Symposia on: Clinic practices, National Programme highlights, INA RESPONSE, and a Common & NGO Session. The symposium was attended by almost 2.000 participants, above the target that was set.

The clinic session was attended by Medical School students, professionals and doctors from the Health Centres. Topics covered in the session included: Advance treatment for TB-HIV, Advance treatment for Pediatric TB and Advance treatment for Extra Pulmonary TB. The session on national program covered: The role of Infection Control in Health Services, Hospital DOTS Linkage-the model of expansion in Government and Private Hospital and Nurse Role in TB Control.  The INA-RESPOND session included: Characteristic of Indonesian TB epidemiology and program coverage, Bottleneck in TB diagnosis; chance for innovation of a new rapid diagnosis tools and Role and Contribution of Molecular Identification of Mtb for TB Control. The Common and NGO session was on: General TB Information, Pediatric TB, Testimony from TB patients and TB-HIV testimony from People Living with HIV. The Common and NGO session was held as a live talk show where the participants could interact directly with the speakers.

During the symposium, a health exhibition was also organised in front of the main venue of congress.  The Exhibition had 20 booths which came from TB stakeholders, including: WHO, KNCV, PPTI, Aisyiyah, Pamali, FHI360, Perdhaki, PKPU, Medical School Faculty, Persahabatan Hospital, Cipto Mangun Kusumo Hospital, LKC, Public Health Faculty, Indonesia Medical Association and Ministry of Health as host.

There was also a poster session and 6 winners were adjudged and awarded by INA RESPOND that entitled 1 million rupiahs per person. The winners were dr. Ridha Rosandi (Departemen Ilmu Kulit Kelamin FKUI-RSCM), Tri Nury, (Balai Litbang Biomedis Papua),  Raspati C. Koesoemadinata (UPK, RSHS/FK UNPAD), Dhuny Atas Asri (RS.Persahabatan), Rahmayanti Harianto (Departemen Pulmonologi dan Ilmu Kedokteran Respirasi FKUI/RS Persahabatan) dan Ela Hayati, MD (UPK, RSHS/FK UNPAD).

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SAFE Society is working to STOP TB in MaharajGanj & Gorakhpur District of Uttar-Pradesh in India.

Under AXSHYA Project SAFE Society is a partner organization in MaharajGanj District with MAMTA HIMC. The project is funded by Global Fund Round 9 TB Project in this the main recipients is The Union International. In this project we are covering total three block Partwal , Paniyara And Dhani of MaharajGanj District. At the end of last financial year total 37 VHSC and other groups meeting  held, total 22 TB volunteer was selected, 37 suspected patient were refered to the nearest DMC/TU.

Program was benefited approximately 1,00,000 rural populations. A help line no is also started by the organization to support TB Patient. In this context many success story are seen in covered area.

In this meeting we sensitize Village Health And Sanitation Committee to Decrease death from Tuberculosis.We identify  TB volunteer under this program to support and train rural community to spread awareness after meeting.TB volunteer has  the responsibility to organize VHSC Meeting in every month also.

The TB Volunteer also support the suspected patient  to diagnose and start treatment. At the time total 22 T B Volunteer are working actively with support of Village president and untied fund of Village panchayat.Now we are  planning to start Sputum Collection Center in remote areas to collect sputum of suspected patient of Tuberculosis After start this facility we will be able to decrease TB death in very highly infected area.  In this connection this model is very successful in our working area to decrease death from TB.

SAFE  Society

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Only 63% of new smear-positive TB cases and only 53% of all new TB cases are detected globally. Scaling up laboratory services to meet the diagnostic challenges of drug-resistant and HIV-associated TB requires a paradigm shift in developing laboratory policy development, setting laboratory norms and standards, guiding and coordinating technical assistance, and accelerating knowledge transfer.

In October 2011, the Global Laboratory Initiative, with the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), published an online implementation guide, Stepwise Process towards TB Laboratory Accreditation, to assist National TB Reference Laboratories (NRLs) meet the requirements for international standards of accreditation.

From April 2-6, 2012, please join Christopher Gilpin, Ph.D., MPH, Scientist in TB Diagnostics and Laboratory Strengthening Unit at the WHO and co-moderator in the MDR-TB Treatment & Prevention Community on; Thomas M. Shinnick, Ph.D. , Associate Director for Global Laboratory Activities, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, CDC, and Paul Klatser, Ph.D., head of the Biomedical Research department at the KIT, in a free virtual panel discussion on “Implementing Quality Management Systems to Strengthen Laboratory Capacity.


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A big rally Conducted in Hyderabad as a part of State level event where TB Alert India took active participation

14 feet attractive dolls with TB Messages int he Rally by TB Alert India covered in THe Hindu

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Del 19 al 25 de marzo, Semana de la Tuberculosis en Argentina. Jornada Conmemorativa: Día mundial de la Tuberculosis

Teniendo en cuenta que en esa fecha en Argentina se conmemora el Día Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia, el Ministerio de Salud de la Nación ha decidido realizar “la Semana de la Tuberculosis”, invitando a todos los programas provinciales, regionales y organizaciones de la sociedad civil que luchan contra esta enfermedad a desarrollar actividades alusivas que contribuyan a generar una mayor visibilidad de esta problemática.

En nuestro país, durante el año 2010 se han registrado cerca de 10.400 casos, de los cuales, 9.400 han sido casos nuevos, constituyendo una tasa de 23,2 casos cada 100 mil habitantes.

Es necesario por lo tanto elaborar respuestas más eficaces, en especial en tuberculosis infantil, co-infección TB-VIH y multirresistencia, fortaleciendo las líneas estratégicas de los programas nacionales a través de una atención de calidad, cada vez más accesible y centrada en las personas, y de actividades de promoción, comunicación y movilización social.


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Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute – Kelambakkam
Tamilnadu- India
Schedule of activities for WORLD TB DAY
Organize and conduct Poster presentation & competition
Under Graduate M.B.B.S Students Chettinad Hospitals. _ Dr.Ravi Varman
Series of CME Programmes on TB on 24th February , 2nd & 9th March 2012 and award presentation by Chettinad university – Dr.Suganthi
Quiz competition for the MBBS UG students 0n 24-3-2012 – Dr.Prabu shankar
Advocacy Communication / Interactive session including role play by CRRI’s, Medical students on various aspects of tuberculosis for patients attending Rural and Urban Health centers of CHRI _ Dr.Murali Mohan Reddy
Capacity Building Training Programme on TB for Medical Officers working in Public and Private sectors Kanchipuram district – Dr.Suruli Raman/Dr.Madhu Sarkar

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National Level Events:

The National Media Launch of World TB Day 2012 – 27th February

On the 27th of February the National TB Program will formally launch this year’s World TB Day activities at a media event. Representatives from media agencies throughout the country will be invited to attend the launch at Aopi Haus (Department of Health – first floor conference room) from 11:00 – 12:30. Information about TB will be provided as well as an overview of the national and provincial plans. Media packs will be given to all invited guests and opportunities for interviews and TB news stories will be provided over light refreshments.

The ‘Lend your voice to stopping TB’ Campaign – Throughout March

In the public:

We will be running a nationwide campaign enabling individuals to make a pledge of commitment to stopping TB in PNG. The “I want…’ campaign forms will be circulated through all provinces and completed forms will be on public display at designated sites during the month of March. All forms completed during the month of March will be presented to Government at the National TB Forum.


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Since 2008, thousands of TB professionals from around the globe have joined in an unprecedented effort to share practices and “know-how” across organizations in online, expert-led, communities hosted on the Global Health Delivery Online (GHDonline) platform. These communities, MDR-TB Treatment & Prevention and TB Infection Control, are made available at no cost thanks in part to the founding organizations, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

This year, our call to action at GHDonline is for all TB professionals to join one or both virtual expert panels taking place now and in March, and to also participate in the communities.


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