Tue 24 Apr 2012
Found Tuberculosis Treatment on Miss Call
Posted by safesociety under General | April 24, 2012 |
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A helpline number started joint effort by SAFE Society and District Tuberculosis Center MaharajGanj . Any people take information about Tuberclosis through this Number. Till now 79 people are taken advantage by this helpline number last four months.
By this helpline number people also putting their problems, query and getting solution within minutes. So that this helpline number is very helpful for spreading awareness related to Tuberculosis in urban and rural area of maharajGanj District.
“A TB patient of Parsia village (Block-Partawal, Disst- Maharajganj ) told that I am suffering from cough last two months but I afraid about Stigma and expense of treatment. But one day Village Health and Sanitation Committee’s President told me your symptoms is matching with TB and you should talk on this number which publish in news paper.I follow advice and give a miss call after that I get phone call on my mobile and discuss with doctor about my problem. Doctor advice me you should go your nearest DMC ShyamDevrua and check your sputum and get the report, I follow his advice.
When I get the report I found my report is positive. After that I follow the doctor advice and started my treatment free of cost last two months with kind support of DOT’s provider. Now I feeling well this can possible only from this helpline number. I advice every person who have any symptom of Tuberculosis to call on Helpline Number for proper guidance and treatment.”
………………. SAFE Society , Gorakhpur (U.P.) India 273165
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