dr. Agus Fitrianto Achmad, SpPD explained about TB

On March 27, 2013 at Hall of District Planning Office of Kapuas, District Health Office of Kapuas gave health education on TB and other infectious diseases. This event was done in order to Celebrate World TB Day and Anniversary of Kuala Kapuas City.

This event was followed by middle and high schools students and their teachers, religious leaders, community leaders, non governtment organizations, and women’s organization.

The topics in this meeting was presented by dr. Agus Fitrianto Achmad, SpPD, internist from District General Hospital of Kapuas; dr. Tri Setyautami, MPHM, chief of disease control unit at District Health Office of Kapuas, Yonas, SKM and Hari Sutrisno, SKM, staf of disease control unit at District Health Office of Kapuas.

This event was opened by Chief of District Health Office of Kapuas, dr. Hj. Ani Handaningroem.