Thu 26 Apr 2012
Posted by mshang007 under General | April 26, 2012 |
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Georgia experiences a dangerously high level of tuberculosis (TB), despite being a middle income European country. The World Health Organization (WHO) designated Georgia as one of the 27 highest burden multi-drug resistance (MDR) – TB countries with a 9.5% MDR- TB rate among new cases. Many Georgians still lack knowledge and awareness about TB and where to access services.
The main event in Georgia marking World TB Day in 2012 was held in Tbilisi through activities organized by the Georgia Tuberculosis Prevention Project (TPP). The TPP is supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and its TB implementing partner, University Research Co., LLC (URC).
The TPP led by URC, collaborated with the Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU) to host a successful World TB Day Conference on March 23, 2012 with over 70 participants from a variety of public and civil society organizations representing the country’s major players in public health. Attendants included representatives from the Ministry of Labor Health and Social Affairs (MoLHSA), USAID, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC&PH) and students from TSMU. These stakeholders discussed future goals and initiatives to raise awareness about TB. The participants agreed that collaborative effort is the critical success factor in the fight against TB.
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Thu 26 Apr 2012
Posted by stoptbcintia under General | |
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Sudan expressed its hope that with concerted efforts of various partners TB will stop in this lifetime. This year’s theme of ‘Stop TB in this lifetime’ was relayed through various forms and by different groups through-out the whole month of March, organized by the National TB Programme (NTP) with the World Health Organization’s (WHO), private and public sectors support.
World TB Day in Sudan
The celebration in Sudan was highlighted by the event in Wad Madani in Gezira State on 26 March 2012. Like any other important events in Sudan, the World Tuberculosis Day 2012 event was celebrated in a fes-tive mood with young and old marching in the streets to the rhythm of music played by the band. The day gathered students, health workers, members of TB patients association as well as government officials at the Culture Palace of Gezira state. On top of speeches, there were songs and drama skits presented as a way to impart messages to the audience.
The fight against tuberculosis has been boosted with commitment from various stakeholders from the pri-vate and public sectors – the Government, civic organizations and associations, as well as from UN agen-cies. In addition to Dr Heba Kamal (NTP Manager) and Dr Aayid Munim (WHO TB Medical Officer), Dr My-soon Bokhari (UNDP/Global Fund Deputy Director) and Sudan’s TB Ambassador Dr Awad Ibrahim Awad were in the occasion to assure the public of continuing support to combat TB. Furthermore, statements of strong commitments were shared by the Minister of Health Gezira State Dr Alfatih Mohammed Malik, the State Minister of Health Mr Al-Khair AlNur AlMubarak, and the Deputy Governor of Gezira State Mr Mo-hammed Alkamel Fadelalla.
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Wed 25 Apr 2012
Posted by worldtbday2010 under General | April 25, 2012 |
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South African Archbishop Emeritus, Desmond Tutu, donned full cycling gear and jumped on a bicycle to support doctors and researchers who took part in South Africa’s largest cycle race, to raise awareness of childhood TB.
Tutu, who said he loved riding his bike as a boy growing up in Ventersdorp in South Africa’s North West province, threw his weight behind the team, mainly from Stellenbosch University’s Desmond Tutu TB Centre.
They rode together in the 110 kilometre tour around Cape Town, (on Sunday March 11), which drew 35,000 cyclists from South Africa and around the world.
“Our children shouldn’t be exposed to conditions that make them liable to get TB. TB is a disease of poverty, because you have to have a good diet to combat it. Poverty clobbers us many times over. Poverty is expensive,” Tutu said to the group of doctors.
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Tue 24 Apr 2012
Posted by safesociety under General | April 24, 2012 |
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A helpline number started joint effort by SAFE Society and District Tuberculosis Center MaharajGanj . Any people take information about Tuberclosis through this Number. Till now 79 people are taken advantage by this helpline number last four months.
By this helpline number people also putting their problems, query and getting solution within minutes. So that this helpline number is very helpful for spreading awareness related to Tuberculosis in urban and rural area of maharajGanj District.
“A TB patient of Parsia
village (Block-Partawal, Disst- Maharajganj ) told that I am suffering from cough last two months but I afraid about Stigma and expense of treatment. But one day Village Health and Sanitation Committee’s President told me your symptoms is matching with TB and you should talk on this number which publish in news paper.I follow advice and give a miss call after that I get phone call on my mobile and discuss with doctor about my problem. Doctor advice me you should go your nearest DMC ShyamDevrua and check your sputum and get the report, I follow his advice.
When I get the report I found my report is positive. After that I follow the doctor advice and started my treatment free of cost last two months with kind support of DOT’s provider. Now I feeling well this can possible only from this helpline number. I advice every person who have any symptom of Tuberculosis to call on Helpline Number for proper guidance and treatment.”
………………. SAFE Society , Gorakhpur (U.P.) India 273165
E Mail: , Contact-
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Wed 18 Apr 2012
Posted by stoptbcintia under General | April 18, 2012 |
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On March 15,2012, STOP TB Canada hosted a world TB day press conference which was chaired by Dr Anne McCarthy, Infectious disease physician and global Health director at University of Ottawa who raised the importance of Canada’s commitment to reduce TB globally and locally. Udloriak Hanson, Executive Director of the Inuit organization Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), announced the upcoming Inuit specific plan to reduce the unacceptably high TB incidence among the Inuit of Canada’s north. They were joined by parliamentarians Joe Daniel of Toronto Don Valley, who is working with immigrant community groups in his own riding , and is vice chair of commonwealth Parliamentarians for TB. Dr Carolyn Bennett, MP St Pauls and Liberal Aboriginal and Northern affairs critic, called for addressing the social determinants of TB among vulnerable groups, and declared that the high Inuit rates in Canada are cause for a failing grade in dealing with TB. Libby Davies, MP East Vancouver, and cahri of the Canadian Parliamentary caucus on HIV, AIDS and TB (HAT) committed to refocusing attention on TB.
Speakers photographed Libby Davies, Joe Daniel, Udloriak Hanson, Dr Anne McCArthy, Dr Carolyn Bennett
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Mon 16 Apr 2012
Posted by Simon under General | April 16, 2012 |
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Statement from UK political leaders
World tuberculosis (TB) Day (24th March 2012) provides an opportunity to reflect on the progress that has been made in recent years in the fight against diseases of poverty like TB, but also to highlight the challenges that we still face.
Since 1995 nearly 50 million people have been successfully treated for tuberculosis worldwide, saving almost 7 million lives. Recently there has also been significant progress in the development of new tools to tackle TB like diagnostics that will be vital to the aspiration of eradicating the disease in the future.
Despite such progress however, challenges remain as TB continues to kill over 3,800 people daily, despite being treatable and curable. TB is still a leading cause of death among people living with HIV and drug resistant strains of the disease continue to rise globally. We remain committed to addressing tuberculosis and will continue to seek to stay ahead of the disease as it evolves and builds resistance.
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Mon 16 Apr 2012
Posted by Simon under General | |
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APPG TB meeting to discuss childhood TB
On Wednesday 21st March 2012, the APPG on Global TB held a meeting to mark World TB Day (24th March) in the houses of parliament with parliamentarians and leading TB experts to discuss the neglected issue of childhood tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a prominent killer of children worldwide, yet it remains a neglected issue. Children have weak immune systems, making them prime targets for TB and a significant number (estimated 500,000) become sick with the disease and 70,000 die each year. There are substantial challenges in addressing childhood TB and the meeting sought to highlight what could be done to address them.
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Fri 13 Apr 2012
Posted by arishsherwani under General | April 13, 2012 |
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Thu 12 Apr 2012
Posted by Njiwa youths under General | April 12, 2012 |
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Njiwa youth foundation will be having a one month tour from Coast province to Nandi Hills in Rift valley a 1,000km distance to educate the community on signs and symptoms of TB,drug adherence,how TB,HIV and Drugs are related and how to support people suffering from TB.We currently don’t have any funding and are calling for all the TB stake holders to come in join us in this tour no matter how little or big your support is. For more info please contact the president njiwa youth foundation on ,or email: or visit our facebook page TB TOUR.
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Wed 11 Apr 2012
India’s first kids flash mob dance
Posted by worldtbday2010 under General | April 11, 2012 |
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