TB/HIV Care Association commemorated World TB Day on the 24th of March 2012 by breakfasting with a high-level delegation from the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria – the Developing Country NGO Delegation at the Upper Eastside Hotel in Woodstock, Cape Town. The aim of the breakfast, sponsored by Sanofi-Aventis, was to put TB on the map for these international delegates who are “the eyes and ears of people on the ground” according to organiser and TB/HIV Care Association Senior Advisor, Ria Grant.
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Thu 26 Apr 2012
World TB Day Breakfast in Cape Town South Africa
Posted by TBHIVCareACSM under General | April 26, 2012 |
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Tue 3 Apr 2012
TB education to community health workers and general population, Kalimantan, Indonesia
Posted by jumatil under General | April 3, 2012 |
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In order to celebrate Kuala Kapuas city anniversary and Family Empowerment and Welfare (PKK), District Health Office of Kapuas, initiated a health education session with theme, “Community Health Workers and General Population Role in Tuberculosis Control and Prevention”. This session was done in Thursday, March 15, 2012 at Women’s Building, Lawang Kameloh, in Kuala Kapuas, Kapuas district, Central Kalimantan province, Indonesia.
Health education was given by dr. Jum’atil Fajar, MHlthSc. He started by telling people about a film that talked about TB: When The Last Leave Falls. This film showing how this disease was difficult to treat. But there was people that could invented the cure. After that he talked about the cause of the disease, the symptoms and signs, roles that could be done by community health workers and general population.
Rate this post:Tue 27 Mar 2012
Awareness Programme on TB by The Corbett Foundation
Posted by Anushree Bhattacharjee under General | March 27, 2012 |
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The Corbett Foundation (TCF) is a registered public charitable trust set up by Mr. Dilip D. Khatau on April 22, 1994. TCF began with an initial mandate of supporting the conservation of the area in Kumaon and Garhwal famous as the “Corbett Country”. Since then, it runs various medical, awareness and wildlife conservation programs in and around the Corbett Tiger Reserve. In 1999, TCF established a division called Kutch Ecological Research Centre (KERC) in Kutch, Gujarat. TCF operates in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve since 2009 and in Kanha Tiger reserve since 2010 and is soon expanding its operation at Kaziranga Tiger Reserve in the year 2012.
On the occasion of “World Tuberculosis Day” (24th March), the Corbett division of TCF organized an awareness session on TB for the residents of Kunkhet, a village situated on the banks of the River Kosi, in the Corbett landscape. This serene village is witness to the pathos and agony suffered by TB patients. The Medical Division at TCF is presently treating around four patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis from Kunkhet village. This is part of an ongoing TB Eradication Programme being run by TCF Corbett in the entire landscape, since 1999. Two patients who were under the treatment of TCF Corbett Medical Division have now been given a clean bill of health. Realizing that the biggest ally of the tubercle bacillus is ignorance and fear, TCF-Corbett aimed to dispel these through the awareness session, in which causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of TB was explained in a simple lay-man’s language. The social stigma attached to TB patients was also dispelled. TCF pledged to support the treatment of all patients who could not afford the same. This programme was attended by approximately 60 villagers and children of Kunkhet and another nearby village Chukam.
For more details see
Fri 23 Mar 2012
Publication The Gift e-book edition and Understanding Tuberculosis for World TB Day 2012
Posted by Pete under General | March 23, 2012 |
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Two years ago on World TB Day 2010, LGC Publishing launched the print edition of The Gift, the first novel in P. C. Weber’s Hanging by a Thread series. This four-book saga tells the story of Thomas Morgan, a brilliant but deeply troubled young scientist who sets out to discover a new cure for tuberculosis and ends up on an unforgettable journey. It is the hope of LGC Publishing that this epic tale will not only prove immensely entertaining to readers who live within the developed world, but will also serve to draw attention to the global epidemic of TB that rages on outside of their borders. To this end, all proceeds from the sale of The Gift are being donated to the Stop TB Partnership via the United Nations Foundation.
Rate this post:Thu 22 Mar 2012
AstraZeneca Scientists’ Letters from the Lab on TB Research
Posted by gardnerc under General | March 22, 2012 |
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As World TB Day approaches, AstraZeneca’s scientists have been explaining what they’re currently working on in Tuberculosis research. Four scientists have sent ‘Letters from the Lab’, each one focusing on the specific research they’re doing and what it involves. On this post you can read about the work of Bala Subramanian, who is based in our TB research facility in Bangalore. You can also read the other letters and watch a video of Manos Perros talking about the challenges of treating TB and the latest advancements in research.
Letter from Bala Subramanian, Director of Bioscience, Bangalore
My name is Bala and I am the director of bioscience at AstraZeneca’s dedicated TB research facility in Bangalore.
For more than 25 years I have researched TB, particularly cause of the disease, target biology, the biochemical and physiological effects of drugs on the body, as well as the body’s effects on a potential drug. I have always loved science, but I am equally driven by the fact that TB claims more than 5,000 lives every day, with over a third of them in India, where I live.
When I started my career as a PhD candidate, TB was believed to be a problem of the past, with very little research interest. The limited attention that it received in a few academic laboratories focused on debates on the cause of the disease and less on the methods by which TB can be eradicated in society. Today, we are in the midst of a global TB epidemic as declared by the World Health Organisation in the mid-90’s. In recent times, not only has public interest re-awakened to this old disease, but also the research interest. The science of discovering new drugs, vaccines and diagnostics has made enormous strides in the last decade, which makes it tremendously exciting to work in this area, while simultaneously giving the satisfaction of working towards such a socially relevant cause.
Rate this post:Mon 12 Mar 2012
CNS Images of children with tuberculosis
Posted by Bobby Ramakant - CNS under General | March 12, 2012 |
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Citizen News Service (CNS), along with over 50 partners from around the world, is facilitating an e-consultation and conducting key informant interviews on childhood tuberculosis (TB). CNS team members and partners took images with due consent from parents/ guardians of children with TB to document their lives, issues and realities. IMAGES are online
Mon 12 Mar 2012
Zero children dying from tuberculosis by 2015 is possible, if…
Posted by Bobby Ramakant - CNS under General | |
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I like to start by sharing a real story which I experienced in one of my visits in the field last year. I’m sure many of you working in the field have similar stories to tell. During a monitoring visit for our PPM program I came across a referral slip made out by a pharmacy staff referring a 36 year old woman to the DOTS health center.
Looking at the symptoms circled on the slip one could tell that this was certainly a pulmonary TB case; weight loss, fatigue, chest pain, fever, and cough with blood. We traced the referral to one of the district health centers where we found out that the woman had indeed gone for further evaluation, she was checked, diagnosed, given medication and sent home. We were told by the health center staff that since the first visit she came back twice, each time sicker than before, and was again send home, no TB. We decided to visit her at home where she lived with her husband, her in-laws, two small children and one baby. We asked the district TB officer to join us so he could be able to follow-up later on.
Rate this post:Mon 12 Mar 2012
Theme 1 e-consultation Summary: Getting to zero TB infections in children by 2015
Posted by Bobby Ramakant - CNS under General | |
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The SUMMARY REPORT has been released on 26th February 2012 of theme 1 online consultation on childhood tuberculosis (TB) in lead up to the World TB Day on: “Getting to zero new TB infections in children by 2015.” The summary report can be downloaded or read online here.
- What can be done more (or less of) at the family, community or your country level to prevent new TB infections in children?
This e-consultation on childhood TB is being facilitated by the Citizen News Service (CNS), a partner of the Stop TB Partnership, along with the following organizations and networks that have endorsed this initiative and joined as partners:
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