SAFE Society is working to STOP TB in MaharajGanj & Gorakhpur District of Uttar-Pradesh in India.
Under AXSHYA Project SAFE Society is a partner organization in MaharajGanj District with MAMTA HIMC. The project is funded by Global Fund Round 9 TB Project in this the main recipients is The Union International. In this project we are covering total three block Partwal , Paniyara And Dhani of MaharajGanj District. At the end of last financial year total 37 VHSC and other groups meeting held, total 22 TB volunteer was selected, 37 suspected patient were refered to the nearest DMC/TU.
Program was benefited approximately 1,00,000 rural populations. A help line no is also started by the organization to support TB Patient. In this context many success story are seen in covered area.
In this meeting we sensitize Village Health And Sanitation Committee to Decrease death from Tuberculosis.We identify TB volunteer under this program to support and train rural community to spread awareness after meeting.TB volunteer has the responsibility to organize VHSC Meeting in every month also.
The TB Volunteer also support the suspected patient to diagnose and start treatment. At the time total 22 T B Volunteer are working actively with support of Village president and untied fund of Village panchayat.Now we are planning to start Sputum Collection Center in remote areas to collect sputum of suspected patient of Tuberculosis After start this facility we will be able to decrease TB death in very highly infected area. In this connection this model is very successful in our working area to decrease death from TB.
SAFE Society
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