Entries tagged with “World TB Day”.
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Mon 8 Apr 2013
Posted by safesociety under General | April 8, 2013 |
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The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, issued the following World TB Day message.
“On the occasion of World Tuberculosis Day, I commend the important work that has been undertaken by various stakeholders led by the National TB Programme. Since 1998, due to the successful implementation of
the DOTS strategy; more than 14.2 million people across India have accessed treatment.
However, it is worrisome that India continues to have the highest burden of TB in the world. One of the greatest challenges facing TB control is the detection and management of drug resistant strains of TB. Such challenges highlight the need for strengthening research and development to urgently introduce new diagnostics, drugs and vaccines.
India has, and will continue to lead the fight against TB. Last year, the Government introduced ground-breaking policies, including a ban on the use of inaccurate blood tests for TB and declared TB a notifiable disease. India’s vision is to provide ‘Universal Access to Quality Diagnosis and Treatment’ over the next 5 years to all, regardless of their economic or social status.
On this occasion, I call upon all stakeholders to come together for this fight against TB and to undertake all the necessary steps to achieve the goal of zero TB deaths.
“Let us all work together to achieve a TB-free India”.
Posted By : Safe Society
Read the President’s message online.
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Mon 8 Apr 2013
Posted by Sayora under General | |
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“Stop TB in my Lifetime” was the theme for WORLD TB DAY, a cultural and information event held on March 28, 2013 at Jami Concert Hall.
In the opening speeches Mr. Azam Mirzoev, Deputy Minister Health, Mr. Norimasa Shimomura, UNDP Country Director, Mr. Pavel Ursu, WHO Country representative, Ms. Susan Elliot, US Ambassador, Ms. Kathleen McDonald, USAID Country Director congratulated TB specialists and everyone who contributed to making the event a success and commended on joint efforts to fight TB in the country. It was also stated the modern medicine is able to cure TB, if a patient timely goes to health facility, and for testing and completes full treatment regimen. The audience consisted mainly of young people who actively participated in quizzes during the event and courageously responded to questions related to TB prevention and treatment. Best TB specialists, TB lab specialists and active health workers of primary health care facilities were honored and awarded certificates of appreciation and goblets. Certificates were also given to the best reporters who contributed to dissemination of information on TB via mass media.
«I had TB.., followed all recommendations and advices from my doctors, completed full treatment course and today, I can surely say – I am cured of TB!» – stated Munira Shaimurodova, an ex TB patient. «TB is not an heritable disease»- she continued, «I had a desire to be cured and doctors helped me overcome TB, I have a family, kids and I am happy!».
Globally, 24 March is celebrated as TB Day under different slogans. The main goal of the World TB Day is to attract the attention of the government and public organizations to the issues around TB disease, attract donors, and strengthen collaboration of stakeholders, agencies and institutions in TB control activities in Tajikistan as well as raising awareness to the wider population on necessity of timely diagnosis when TB symptoms occur during early detection and timely medical advice.
According to the Ministry of Health (MoH) data, the incidence rate in Tajikistan is currently 70-72 per 100,000 population. Presently all conditions for TB diagnosis and treatment are in place. In total 92 microscopy labs and 4 bacteriology labs have been established and functioning with the support of various partners and donors. All TB patients in the country have universal access to treatment with first line TB drugs free of charge.
TB prevention, diagnosis and treatment activities in Tajikistan are carried out within health reforms and the National TB Control Programme 2010-2015 with the support of the UNDP and other partners. The key donors of TB control in Tajikistan are the Global Fund and the USAID.
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Mon 8 Apr 2013
Wolrd TB Day 2013 at Bakhtawar Amin Hospital Multan, Pakistan
Posted by Bakhtawaramin under General | |
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Wolrd TB Day 2013 at Bakhtawar Amin Hospital Multan, Pakistan
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Mon 8 Apr 2013
Posted by jumatil under General | |
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dr. Agus Fitrianto Achmad, SpPD explained about TB
On March 27, 2013 at Hall of District Planning Office of Kapuas, District Health Office of Kapuas gave health education on TB and other infectious diseases. This event was done in order to Celebrate World TB Day and Anniversary of Kuala Kapuas City.
This event was followed by middle and high schools students and their teachers, religious leaders, community leaders, non governtment organizations, and women’s organization.
The topics in this meeting was presented by dr. Agus Fitrianto Achmad, SpPD, internist from District General Hospital of Kapuas; dr. Tri Setyautami, MPHM, chief of disease control unit at District Health Office of Kapuas, Yonas, SKM and Hari Sutrisno, SKM, staf of disease control unit at District Health Office of Kapuas.
This event was opened by Chief of District Health Office of Kapuas, dr. Hj. Ani Handaningroem.
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Thu 28 Mar 2013
Posted by AASHA TB PROJECTS under General | March 28, 2013 |
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‘Nukkad Naatak performed to EDUCATE PEOPLE on the occasion of
World TB Day 24th March 2013′.
“Employers, School Teachers have to motivate TB patients to visit dots center regularly & allow him/her 1/2 hours leave”
AASHA TB Projects and NIMA Ludhiana organised people educative awareness lectures and Nukkad Naatak shows, at Dr Surinder Gupta Clinic Shivpuri Ludhiana to mark “World TB Day.
Apart from Dr Surinder Gupta, Dr Inder Sharma, Dr Rajesh Thapar, Dr Rahul Jain, Dr Diwaker Sharma, Dr Satinder Kakar,Dr Sarjivan Sharma, Dr Neeraj Sood interacted with the participating public. They educated the masses regarding TUBERCULOSIS, Incidence, Symptamatology, Diagnostic tests and free treatment facilities.
ATP members and Social workers Sh Shiv Kumar Sharma, Satinder Sharma, S.k.Sharma, Sh Sudarshan Gupta, Sh NARINDER Sharma were present on this occasion.
NIMA Ludhiana and ATP is actively involved in Public Awareness and free treatment facilities for tuberculosis.
Apart from free Dots centers at NIMA doctors clinics, educative lectures and Pamphlet distribution are a routine activity.
Banners with Motivating Slogans are displayed at clinics of our doctors.
As per our experience of last 15 years Tobacco (smoking or otherwise) and other Intoxicant substances play a major role in incidence, late detection, Delayed/inaccurate treatment, or midway stoppage of treatment (treatment default) of tuberculosis in our region. Only dedicated health facilities can ensure treatment compliance, as people are illiterate, poor and belong to lower economic status.
Family members and even neighbours help a bedridden Patient to start anti-TB Treatment. But once person starts attending his natural job, they lose interest and after sometime, patient himself stops coming for procuring/taking medicine.
I feel proud that nearly zero defaults have been seen at my center, due to the personal touch and patient education.
We feel that being a curable disease, every segment of society has a role in making the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program RNTCP a meaningful exercise.
Employers, School Teachers have to motivate TB patients to visit dots center regularly & allow him/her 1/2 hours leave.
“Incomplete treatment of Tuberculosis is the MOTHER of MDR-TB”
Dr Surinder Gupta
President :- AASHA TB Projects (ATP).
Tags: AASHA TB PROJECTS, Dr inder Sharma, Dr Rahul Jain, Dr Surendra Gupta clinic, Dr Surinder Gupta, Ludhiana, NIMA Ludhiana, Nukkad NAATAK, Shivpuri, TB, World TB Day
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Mon 25 Mar 2013
Posted by safesociety under General | March 25, 2013 |
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Awareness creation program organized under World TB Day in association with District Tuberculosis Center MaharajGanj Uttar-Pradesh, Project AXSHYA And Safe Society.In this program the many govt. official were presented CMO,DTO, All MOICs and community at larg

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Mon 25 Mar 2013
Massive TB Awareness Rally at Marina Beach
Posted by Dr. Narayan Iyer under General | |
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Indian Development Foundation in collaboration with Gremaltes Hospital organised a massive TB Awareness Rally at Marina Beach, Chennai on the eve of World TB Day. Mr. E Mariappan, IIS, Director (News) Doordarshan Chennai, flagged off the rally from the Light House. A good number of volunteers and students took part in the rally to spread awareness. Mr. S Sreeram and Mr.K Satyamurthy from IDF, Mr. Pius Kalathil from Gremaltes Hospital, IDF Social Ambassadors Mr. Anil Kumar, Mrs. Kamakshi Siva, Mrs. R. Rajammal, Mrs. Padma and Ms. Shiloh Jessie Francisca spoke at the event and stressed on greater awareness and public participation. Scouts and guides from Kendriya Vidyalaya 2, Madambakkam and students from CSI School of Nursing also participated in the rally. Doctors, paramedical workers, volunteers from STRIPES NGO and morning walkers took active part in the rally, which concluded at the Labour Statue. Indian Overseas Bank joined hands with IDF for the national programme

Tags: Chennai, Gremaltes, Guides, IDF, Indian Development Foundation, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Marina Beach, Scouts, World TB Day
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Wed 20 Mar 2013
World TB Day 2013 in the Republic of Georgia
Posted by MHang under General | March 20, 2013 |
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Although the overall tuberculosis mortality rate in the Republic of Georgia has declined sharply since the early 1990s, multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB has become a major concern. Eleven percent of new TB cases and 32% of patients seeking re-treatment in 2011 were diagnosed as MDR TB cases. This high rate of MDR TB is significant enough to place Georgia on the World Health Organization’s list of 27 countries with the highest MDR TB burdens in the world.
Improved surveillance and reporting systems have made it easier to monitor MDR TB in Georgia, but stopping the spread of the disease requires more than just surveillance. To confront this problem, the USAID Tuberculosis Prevention Project (TPP), led by University Research Co., LLC (URC), has developed a multi-faceted response aimed at improving early detection, improving the quality of TB treatment, and spreading the message that TB is both preventable and curable.
In light of these goals, the TPP, in coordination with the Ministry of Health, will host several activities to mark World TB Day 2013, with messages geared toward all stakeholders, including policymakers, health care workers, patients, and society at large.
On March 22, 2013, TPP will host a conference of high level representatives of the US Government and the Government of Georgia, as well as other stakeholders, to analyze the global trends, progress and gaps in fighting TB in Georgia, implementation of National TB program in prisons, and the contribution of USAID TB Prevention Project, and to collaborate on future activities aimed at preventing the spread of TB.
On March 24th, TPP will be working with the Welfare Foundation and student self government of Tbilisi State Medical University to organize a street walk in Tblisi and other public appearances in five regions in Georgia. During the walk, students will distribute educational materials detailing how to stop the spread of TB, as well as other promotional materials with the message “stop TB in my lifetime” to raise awareness that TB is curable and can be stopped in our lifetime.
Also on March 24th a photo exhibition will be organized at Ksani Koloni in collaboration with the Ministry of Corrections and Legal Assistance. The exhibition will display the photos of celebrities – famous actors and sportsmen holding TB related messages. The event is geared toward decreasing the stigma of TB and encouraging people to seek early treatment for their TB symptoms.
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Tue 3 Apr 2012
“TB elimination efforts urged”
Posted by alathiyanamadala under General | April 3, 2012 |
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On the Eve of World TB Day, I conducted a media meet. This is Sakshi, Telugu language daily. It has about 1.5 million copies circulation.
Sakshi’s East Godavari district(5.2million population) edition of south Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, carrying the item with my photograph.
The title reads ” TB elimination efforts urged”.
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Tue 27 Mar 2012
Posted by Anushree Bhattacharjee under General | March 27, 2012 |
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The Corbett Foundation (TCF) is a registered public charitable trust set up by Mr. Dilip D. Khatau on April 22, 1994. TCF began with an initial mandate of supporting the conservation of the area in Kumaon and Garhwal famous as the “Corbett Country”. Since then, it runs various medical, awareness and wildlife conservation programs in and around the Corbett Tiger Reserve. In 1999, TCF established a division called Kutch Ecological Research Centre (KERC) in Kutch, Gujarat. TCF operates in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve since 2009 and in Kanha Tiger reserve since 2010 and is soon expanding its operation at Kaziranga Tiger Reserve in the year 2012.
On the occasion of “World Tuberculosis Day” (24th March), the Corbett division of TCF organized an awareness session on TB for the residents of Kunkhet, a village situated on the banks of the River Kosi, in the Corbett landscape. This serene village is witness to the pathos and agony suffered by TB patients. The Medical Division at TCF is presently treating around four patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis from Kunkhet village. This is part of an ongoing TB Eradication Programme being run by TCF Corbett in the entire landscape, since 1999. Two patients who were under the treatment of TCF Corbett Medical Division have now been given a clean bill of health. Realizing that the biggest ally of the tubercle bacillus is ignorance and fear, TCF-Corbett aimed to dispel these through the awareness session, in which causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of TB was explained in a simple lay-man’s language. The social stigma attached to TB patients was also dispelled. TCF pledged to support the treatment of all patients who could not afford the same. This programme was attended by approximately 60 villagers and children of Kunkhet and another nearby village Chukam.
For more details see
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